About Vidrio Financial Podcasts

Vidrio podcasts promote thought leadership from across the institutional investor community.  Every few weeks you will see a new episode is posted to all the major podcast networks, YouTube, and this destination below showcasing leaders from asset management, endowments, foundations, family offices, OCIOs, pensions, and sovereign wealth funds. Start listening today.

  • Improving Alpha
  • Thematic Investors

Improving Alpha: Chris Wiggins Exploring and Exploiting the Value of Artificial Intelligence

July 8, 2024

In this episode of the Improving Alpha podcast, Chris H. Wiggins, Chief Data Scientist, The New York Times and Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics, Columbia University, discusses whether institutional investors have enough 'scar tissue' when it comes to artificial intelligence and LLMs. Can AI get it right and help us solve some of the larger data challenges that allocators are facing today? Find out, and learn more about Chris here...

Improving Alpha: Olivier Toubia and the Dark Side of Artificial Intelligence

June 24, 2024

How can artificial intelligence be leveraged to better understand human and optimize business operations for insitutional investors today? In this latest episode of the Improving Alpha podcast, host Michael Oliver Weinberg is joined by Olivier Toubia, Glaubinger Professor of Business Marketing Division, Columbia Business School to discuss the granular applications for AI and how it relates to Wall Street and other allocators. Learn more about Olivier here...

Improving Alpha: David Teten on the Future of VC Models and the Portfolio Diversification Game

June 17, 2024

In our latest episode of the Improving Alpha podcast, host Michael Oliver Weinberg is joined by David Teten, Venture Partner, Coolwater Capital to discuss thoughts on becoming a serial builder of venture capital firms, how investment tools being used to generate alpha are evolving, and more. Learn more about David here...

Improving Alpha: Mazen Jabban on the dangers of delegating away allocator innovation

April 15, 2024

Mazen Jabban, Chairman and CEO of Vidrio Financial, joins host, Michael Oliver Weinberg on this latest installment of the Improving Alpha podcast. The podcast agenda will take the listener through the potential for AI in allocation decision-making, the rise of data challenges for investors, the total portfolio view, and plenty more. Learn more about Mazen here... 

Improving Alpha: Karen Yeyinmen on Strengthening the Institutional Investment Toolkit through Action Research

March 18, 2024

In the latest installment of the Improving Alpha podcast, Michael Oliver Weinberg speaks with global organization leader and executive coach Karen Yeyinmen to unravel the intricacies of leadership psychology for asset managers (particularly Private Equity firms) and allocators. Learn more about Karen and listen in now.

Improving Alpha: Ciamac Moallemi on the Black Box of Systematic Investing, Bitcoin, and Neural Networks

February 26, 2024

Is bitcoin a ‘safe-haven’ or still too risky for institutional investors to include as part of a larger portfolio allocation? How is systematic investing changing today with the influence of neural networks and artificial intelligence?  Michael Oliver Weinberg, host of the  Improving Alpha: Innovation in Investing ESG, and Technology podcast invites Ciamac Moallemi, William von Mueffling Professor of Business Decision, Risk, and Operations Division, Columbia Business School, to unravel some of the mysteries behind decentralized finance (DeFi) and quantitative investing. Learn more about Ciamac here....

Improving Alpha: Russell Carson on the ‘lucky accident’ of a career in Venture Capital, Private Equity, and Philanthropy

February 5, 2024

In our latest episode of the Improving Alpha podcast, our host, Michael Oliver Weinberg, sits down with Russell L. Carson, Founder & General Partner of Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe and Chairman of The Carson Family Charitable Trust. 

Russ explores his own journey in both venture capital and private equity, what led him to create the Carson Family Charitable Trust, succession planning for his business, and why he’s become a student of improving the human condition. Learn more about Russell here...

Improving Alpha: Sandro Salsano synergies in investments, philanthropy & deep value strategies

January 8, 2024

Join host Michael Oliver Weinberg as he sits down with Sandro Salsano, President, Salsano Group, for the latest episode of the Improving Alpha podcast. Together, they delve into the Latin American investment markets, providing insights into what institutional investors can anticipate for 2024. They'll also touch upon Sandro's philanthropic ventures and discuss how he attributes his success to being humble and applying a measure of psychology in his investment approach. Learn more about Sandro here...

Improving Alpha: William J. Kelly, CAIA on disrupting data transparency in the institutional markets

December 11, 2023

As institutional investments become increasingly intricate, it is crucial to bring transparency (and perhaps even enlightenment) to both GPs and LPs.Serving as a cautionary tale for this installment of Improving Alpha, a famous quote by renowned British Economist Ronald H. Coase once said, “ if you torture the data long enough, it will confess to anything”. Please join us as Michael Oliver Weinberg speaks to William J. Kelly, CAIA, President & CEO. Learn more about William here...

Improving Alpha: Paul C. Sohn on Targeting the ‘fat pitch’ in Institutional Investing

December 4, 2023

Mastering the timing of investment markets is a formidable challenge that demands unwavering commitment to a well-defined methodology. It entails navigating through risks, optimizing volatility, and steering clear of managers who adopt a reckless "spray and pray" approach. Join Michael Oliver Weinberg as he engages in a captivating conversation with Paul C. Sohn, Chief Investment Officer at Mont Alto Capital. Paul provides his front row insight and expertise on what he has observed over the last 20 years in hedge fund investing, macro portfolio management, and the formation of his family office, Mont Alto Capital. Learn more about Paul Sohn here...

Improving Alpha: Christopher Ailman, CalSTRS on Catching the Big Waves in Institutional Investing

October 31, 2023

Experience the latest episode of the Improving Alpha podcast, where Michael Oliver Weinberg is joined by Christopher J. Ailman, Chief Investment Officer, CalSTRS. With an impressive 40 years of experience in the business, Christopher’s unwavering passion for constant learning in the face of market volatility and seeking alpha strategies shines through. Learn more about Chris here...

Improving Alpha: Scott Pittman on Maintaining Convictions and Balancing Portfolio Diversification

September 20, 2023

In this highly anticipated episode of the Improving Alpha podcast, join Michael Oliver Weinberg as he engages in a compelling conversation with Scott Pittman, SVP and Chief Investment Officer at Mount Sinai Medical Center. Gain valuable insights into Scott’s visionary objectives for the future and discover how he strategically harnesses the power of research, fundamental and quantitative analysis to drive exceptional performance and unlock investment value. Listen in now.

Improving Alpha: Tobias Read on Removing Political Grandstanding from Oregon's Hybrid Pension Plan

August 7, 2023

Michael Oliver Weinberg, Host, The Improving Alpha podcast is joined by Tobias Read, State Treasurer, Oregon, where Tobias discusses the approach that his team has taken towards innovation, why running a pension isn’t simply about just maximizing a return number, or why a pension plan can’t do it alone when it comes to climate change regulations.  Listen in now.

Improving Alpha: Jose Eduardo Siman on Succession Planning Challenges and Innovating the Family Office

July 10, 2023

Michael Oliver Weinberg, Host, The Improving Alpha podcast, introduces us to Jose Eduardo Siman, President, Intradeco Inc. Listen to how Jose is striving for a more 'Warren Buffet' model of decentralization for his global subsidiaries. Michael will also dive into how Jose is thinking about sucession and retail innovation. Learn more about Jose here...

Improving Alpha: Gitanjali Swamy on Building a Collective Intelligence

March 13, 2023

In our latest episode of the Improving Alpha podcast, Michael Oliver Weinberg speaks with Gitanjali Swamy, PH.D., Senior Legislative and Policy Advisor, Massachusetts State Senate, Managing Partner, IoTask on how leaders approach the more social aspects of ESG. Learn how those in the asset community are creating their own collective intelligence approaches and more about Gita here...

Improving Alpha: Tensie Whelan Discusses Extracting Value from Sustainability

February 6, 2023

In this episode, Michael Oliver Weinberg, co-founder, Improving Alpha Podcast Series, is joined by Tensie Whelan, Clinical Professor of Business and Society and Director, Center for Sustainable Business, Leonard N. Stern School of Business, NYU, to discuss more on the topic of sustainability, and how companies can look at their profiles in the market when considering risk, competitor analysis, competitor advantage bottom-line. Learn more about Tensie here...

Improving Alpha: Greg Steinmetz on History’s Indispensable Asset Owners

January 24, 2023

In this episode, Greg Steinmetz, Author & Securities Analyst, Ruane, Cunniff and Goldfarb sit down to discuss his latest research into the world of Fugger and Gould. Learn how these two men surpassed the likes of Vanderbilt and Rockefeller and shaped the financial landscape that investors navigate today. Learn more about Greg here...

Improving Alpha: A Zero Sum Behavioral Psychology Approach for Innovative Allocators

January 6, 2023

In this episode, Shai Davidai, Assistant Professor, Management Division, Columbia Business School, goes under the hood of economic behavioral psychology at work across asset managers and owners. Learn more about Shai here...

Improving Alpha: Jonathan Grabel, LACERA on Consolidating a Strategic Allocation for Growth

December 9, 2022

In this episode, Jonathan Grabel, Chief Investment Officer, LACERA discusses his career journey, ESG views, the evaluation of new investments, and more. Learn more about Jonathan here...

Improving Alpha: Ben Samild, Future Fund on Innovating Investments for 35 Million Beneficiaries

November 28, 2022

In this episode, Ben Samild, Deputy Chief Investment Officer, Portfolio Construction, Future Fund, discusses post-pandemic portfolio strategies, red flags in the decision-making process, and much more. Learn more about Ben here...

Improving Alpha: Jeff Mindlin, ASU enterprise Partner on Engineering a $1.3 billion Endowment for the future

November 14, 2022

Jeff Mindlin, Chief Investment Officer of ASU Enterprise Partners, discusses how ASU Enterprise Partners encourages growth to the next generation of financial advisors, how tech and innovation feature in his allocations, and more. Learn more about Jeff here...

Thematic Investors: Gavin Baker Blending Sci-fi, History, and Literature for Tech Investing Success.

July 1, 2024

Join host Kieran Cavanna on the latest episode of the Thematic Investors podcast as we welcome guest, Gavin Baker, Atreides Management, LP. Gavin walks us through his focus in tech investing and what is on the horizon for institutional investors today. Learn more about Gavin here...

Thematic Investors: Scott Bessent a Global Macro Veteran on the Path Ahead

May 13, 2024

Legendary basketball coach Pat Riley was once quoted as saying, “Keep the main thing, the main thing”, which is a great tip for anyone wishing to enter the field of macro investing on the global stage. In this episode of the Thematic Investors podcast, host Kieran Cavanna sits down with CEO and Founder, Scott Bessent, to discuss a career in global macro investing, "exorbitant privilege", and a lot more. Learn more about Scott here....

Thematic Investors: James Davolos on why investors can’t paint-by-numbers in real asset investing

March 20, 2024

Thematic Investors podcast, host Kieran Cavanna, speaks with guest James Davolos, Portfolio Manager, Horizon Kinetics who shares his methodology on tackling high inflationary markets while becoming a rising star in the value investing space. Learn more about James here...

Thematic Investors: Stuart Mitchell on the Investment Sale Across Europe

January 29, 2024

When looking at European investments, how will the UK, France, Germany, Spain, and Italy align on energy transition, innovative technology growth, financial services, and more? How can institutional investors capture this market when comparing them against more attractive U.S. opportunities? Our host, Kieran Cavanna, speaks with Stuart Mitchell, Managing Partner | CIO and Investment Manager, S.W. Mitchell Capital LLP, on this and a lot more.

Learn more about Stuart Mitchell here...

Thematic Investors: Alan Bezoza, DigitalBridge on finding the shiny penny in telecom investing

December 18, 2023

In the realm of telecommunications, investment strategies are constantly evolving. Whether your focus is on the cutting-edge upstream products like carriers, data centers, and telecom companies, or the dynamic downstream products such as semiconductors and the intricate supply chain that supports them, this industry is always driving forward.

Our latest episode of the Thematic Investors podcast, host, Kieran Cavanna, speaks with Alan Bezoza, Managing Director, Liquid Strategies at DigitalBridge Investment Management. Learn more about Alan Bezoza's insights here...

Thematic Investors: Why Institutional Investors Should Consider Uranium

October 2, 2023

In our highly anticipated second episode of the Thematic Investors podcast, host, Kieran Cavanna, engages in a captivating discussion on uranium investing with Daren Heitman, CFA, Managing Partner & Chief Investment Officer, and Chris Gillespie, Partner and Co-Portfolio Manager at Azarias Capital Management. Learn more about our guests here...

Thematic Investors: Fueling Technological Breakthroughs in Energy Transition

September 11, 2023

In this inaugural episode, Kieran Cavanna, CIO, Old Farm Partners and host of the Thematic Investors podcast, is joined by Todd Kantor, Founder and Managing Member of Encompass Capital Advisors LLC. This is a critical podcast for those interested in energy transition and the investment strategies that are required to play in this arena. Learn more about Todd here...

Stay tuned. More episodes are coming soon. Until then check out our blog content.